29 March 2012

Donations up: Can I Have A Beer Man?

Lets be honest here, I'm doing ok, my family is fed, we have a roof over our heads, and the utilities are paid.

The real problem here is that I'm a married man.  I know people of both sexes are probably nodding their heads knowing exactly what that means.  For those that haven't had the joys of the experience, basically I've got to prostrate myself at the feet of my wife on an hourly basis for new toys to review.  Sure, I've got a collection of stuff I've found useful in everyday life, but there's far more out there we could work with here.

I spent some long hours soul searching within myself for guidance, for I really do not like asking others for money.  And I found none.  My next instinct of course is to fall back on my past gaming experiences, and remembered something fun from the days of yore:  that begging in many societies and situations was a respected profession of sorts!  So read I did, and even a simple venture into Wikipedia brought me some interesting wisdoms.  It seems some religions believed that the quest for material wealth actually caused people to deviate from their spiritual path.  And even better, Buddhists seem to believe that having people who are in need gives people opportunities to do good things for others.  

Sadly my work here is not of a holy or divinely driven nature, however I will be spending a large portion of my time trying to bring fun, useful, and interesting information to you.  And this at times will require funding.  I will not plead or beg (damn those NPR pledge drives!) but should you feel you have been provided a benefit, and feel generous, there is now a paypal Donation button on the blog.  Think of it as buying me a beer for the trouble.

Given my newfound quasi spiritual enlightenment, I would definitely say that I will never threaten any small cute furry animals for donations.  I promise you I will NOT off this cute bunny you see to the right if you do not donate to our worthy cause.  Really, I won't.  Why don't you believe me?

Beer man image from Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0)

1 comment:

The Passenger said...

We also happily take requests, second hand gear, and samples.