26 March 2012

Music of the Day - Rick Astley?!?!?

That's right kids, today's music of the day feature is Rick Astley's Never Gonna Give You Up.  I'm not kidding...  April Fools day isn't for another 6 days.  But that's EXACTLY why I've listed this one.  Sadly this year's April Fools lands on a Sunday, so you won't easily be able to disrupt half your company by pulling admin rights from all the meeting presenters and throwing in a loop of this video that they cannot get rid of this year.  So instead we are left with family, friends, and religious organizations.  In my crazy little world nothing is sacred.  


Your targets?  Cell phones, internet enabled alarm clocks, computers, and MP3 players.

Cell phones have a few different options, first and most obvious would be to replace the ring tone for calls with this song.  To go a little deeper, if your victim has a smartphone or mp3 alarm capable phone, it's a great time to put that extended functionality to use...  simply set an alarm (or 5) to play this song at choice times throughout the day.  This alarm method would work beautifully for mp3 capable alarm clocks.

Got a CD burner?  Burn this to a CD and chuck it in someone's vehicle CD player, pump up the volume, and leave it for when they turn their vehicle on next time.

Your victim exercises a lot?  Replace their MP3 player's music with this song.  Even better, copy this file as many times as they have songs on their mp3 player, and rename it to each of the songs they normally listen to... they'll really be worried then.  Or just sneak it in a few time in playlists they may not check.

Computer wise, replace every sound the computer uses to tell them things with this mp3...  from startup to shutdown to menu popups.

If it were me, i'd find a way to wire a bluetooth reciever or MP3 player of choice into my local church's PA system for services seeing how April Fools hits on Sunday...  And when it's hymn time, kick this baby on full swing.  Heresy?  Well, God's Never Gonna Give You Up either ne?

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