25 March 2012

Cashing in on the $8 Million MP3 player.

Alright folks.  So I just learned something neet.  That music piracy might be even more lucrative than robbing Ft Knox.  Now, first off, this is just between you and me.  We cannot share this with others, because if someone found out we'd have a SWAT team at our doors.
First, we need to really see exactly how lucrative this new scheme really is, and for that we call in experts.  Check out this amazing TED talk (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 TED Conferences LLC / Rob Reid)
Now the reality...  If our government says it is so... it's got to be true right?  So now we need to figure out where in the black market we can find people offering $150,000 for a single copy of an mp3.  I know I get a penny or two when someone downloads through my blog from Amazon.  I'll have the first year domain registration paid in 10 years or so at that rate, so I'm betting it's not there.  Is this the source of our national deficit?  Is this how China is going to undermine our market?  Hack itunes and steal our nation's worth?  Are we going from precious metal backed currency to a federal reserve to an itunes store backing our currency?  We need to decode this shit now and tap into untold millions!  

Tomorrow's blog entry:  The bridge market, when to buy and when to sell, on the NEXT episode of Plus Five Gear!

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